Developing and Implementing a Trauma- and Violence-Informed Approach in Digital Media Literacy Education

March 27, 2025

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM


Laura Murray ( )



In this Resource Spotlight presenters from MediaSmarts- Canada's centre for digital media literacy- share key learnings and best practices in implementing a trauma-informed lens in digital media literacy education and facilitation. The presenters will guide participants through the trauma- and violence-informed facilitation handbook developed as part of the Resilience through DigitalSmarts program. The handbook provides a guide to trauma- and violence-informed facilitation practices with a focus on online facilitation and program delivery. While the handbook is grounded in the context of digital media literacy education for survivors of technology-facilitated violence and abuse, it is useful for a wide range of projects, organizations, and individuals who want to introduce a trauma-informed approach in their program facilitation. Centering a trauma-informed lens was a new endeavour for MediaSmarts and the presenters will share what they have learned with those who find themselves in a similar place.