Preventing Gender-Based and Sexual Violence on University and College Campuses

Project Information  

Gender-based and sexual violence is a widespread problem on university and college campuses and several steps have been taken to prevent the same. The Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women & Children along with our partners have been working on creating and evaluating education programs and disseminating knowledge focused on preventing gender-based sexual violence on campuses.    

Our projects include:

Knowledge dissemination, training, and printable GBSV resources

  1. Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence on University and College Campuses in Ontario - This is an engaging, interactive online training that provides insight and guidance for both individual practice and institutional practice to provide better responses to survivors of sexual violence. The training will prepare people in a wide range of roles and positions, including faculty, administrative staff, residence, housing and facilities staff, financial services staff, counselling and accessibility support staff and faculty, international student recruiters and support staff, Indigenous services staff, health and wellness teams, and managers to provide supportive trauma and violence informed responses to disclosures of sexual violence.  
  2. Dissemination of knowledge products – Our involvement also includes creating various knowledge products to enhance awareness about gender-based violence. Listen to a recent facebook live event hosted by the Learning Network #MaybeNextTime: There Shouldn’t be a Next Time in which Joëlle Kabisoso from Sisters in Sync presents five essential approaches and best practices for supporting Black women and girls during the disclosure of sexual violence.
  3. Posters – Our posters are readily available for public use and cover topics related to consent, technology facilitated violence, and survivor support.   
  4. Healthy talks – NFF's healthy talks are an important live event series aimed at young adults of all ages, from late teens to those in their thirties, or even beyond. They explore many topics related to healthy relationships, gender dynamics, dating violence, and more. Each month features a new and engaging speaker with a topic geared toward our audience. These talks are held on their Facebook Live and can be viewed in real time, or any time after that best suits your schedule. With this series, they're reaching youth all over. They're sharing knowledge and encouraging discussions surrounding relationships, love, sex, and how to watch out for signs of abuse or assault as well as how to seek help.

Undressing Consent: A Pleasurable Approach to Learning About Consent, Rejection, and Sexual Violence  

"Undressing Consent: A Pleasurable Approach to Learning About Consent, Rejection, and Sexual Violence” is an interactive skill-building Zoom session, held in small groups of either men or women/ non-binary individuals, and led by trainers from the student experience office and the Centre for Research on Violence Against Women and Children. It looks to dive deeper into the skills and behaviours surrounding consent, sexual violence, sexuality, and its impact on our community. CREVAWC has been supporting the delivery of the program with the affiliates, i.e. Huron University College and King's University College, and has been conducting program evaluation. Our report can be found below.  

Outcomes of this training are focused on:    

  • Enhancing consent communication—verbal and nonverbal approaches  
  • Understanding the full spectrum of what constitutes sexual violence and where we may confront areas that are not as clear as we may believe  
  • Unpacking sexual scripts and their influence on our expectations and behaviours  
  • Reflecting on sexual desires outside of these normative scripts  
  • Normalizing and de-personalizing rejection    


our annual report

Our Additional work  

ManMade Program Evaluation  

We have also conducted program evaluation of the “Man|Made” program. Man|Made is a five-week psychosocial program developed by Dr. Annalise Trudell at Anova, London, for young men on college and university campuses, aimed at helping reduce men's risk for sexual violence perpetration and to help men who have perpetrated violence take accountability for their actions. View our infographic to learn more about the program evaluation. 


Contributing to Western’s GBSV initiatives  

Over several years, we have been supporting the efforts to prevent GBSV on post-secondary campuses. Some of our work includes building online training programs, publishing research reports and disseminating knowledge products.   

  1. Safety Survey at Western – We contributed to the development and analysis of the online climate survey created by the action committee following concerns about gender-based violence on the Western University campus.
  2. Contributed to the GBSV action committee report.
  3. Member of the GBSV Advisory Committee at Western.